
North Korean Flags in Pyongyang

Optimism About Korea Will Kill Us All

The first step towards peace is lowering your expectations.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

The Six-Day War (1967) Revisited: The Nuclear Dimension

MAY 31, 2018: A half-day panel discussion co-hosted with the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project.

North Korea Nuclear / Radiological

The Word That Could Help the World Avoid Nuclear War

“Denuclearization” is a strange term, unique to the Korean Peninsula. But it works for now.

Henry Sokolski

Avoiding a Nuclear Wild, Wild West in the Middle East

VIDEO: Event with Henry Sokolski, Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, and Former Deputy for Nonproliferation Policy in the Cheney Pentagon.

North Korea flag and stop sign (Src: Shutterstock)

Walls and Ladders: The Latest UN Report on DPRK Sanctions

Commentary published in War on the Rocks.

A Patriot system of the German Air Force in August 2005. (src: Wikimedia Commons)

Patriot Missiles Are Made in America and Fail Everywhere

The evidence is in: the missile defense system that the United States and its allies rely on is a lemon.

Donald Trump

Trump is Walking into Kim Jong Un’s Trap

The North Koreans have sought a visit from a sitting president of the U.S. since the Clinton administration.

Joshua Pollack

Good Words from DPRK, but Actions Will Be Harder

Op/ed in the NY Daily News by NPR Editor Joshua Pollack

Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump [Src: Shutterstock]

The Trump-Kim Summit Won’t End Well

This is no way to run nuclear diplomacy.

Richard Engel of NBC News interviews Jeffrey Lewis in Monterey.

NBC News Features Innovative Work of CNS Researchers

“Middlebury isn’t a secret department of the CIA, the NSA, – it is part of a liberal arts college. There are no spies here, just a team of researchers working what is known as open source intelligence.”