CNS in the Media

Experts’ Quotes & Guest Appearances

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July 15, 2024: “What Russia Wants in the Middle East,” Hanna Notte in Foreign Affairs

July 5, 2024: “Nuclear China in the Twenty-First Century: Status and Implications for the World and Europe,” David Santoro in CNS Occasional Paper

July 1, 2024: “Nuclear energy could power the AI boom—but only if proliferation risks are minimized,” Miles Pomper and Yanliang Pan in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists


June 24, 2024: “CNS commits to educating the next generation of nonproliferation experts through the Summer Undergraduate Program,” Masako Toki in

June 21, 2024: “Death Dust: The Rise, Decline and Future of Radiological Weapons Programmes,” William Potter and Hanna Notte in Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non‑Proliferation

June 19, 2024: “Putin and Kim pledge mutual help against ‘aggression,’” Jeffrey Lewis in BBC

June 18, 2024: “Gender equality: Why is it still up for debate?” Federica Dall’Arche in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

June 11, 2024: “Let’s unpack some questions about Russia’s role in North Korea’s rocket program,” Jeffrey Lewis in ARS Tecnica

June 4, 2024: “A Q&A with Ambassador Richards,” Masako Toki in

June 3, 2024: “Russia, the Global South and the Mechanics of the Nuclear Order,” Hanna Notte in Taylor and Francis

June 3, 2024: “AI regulators fear getting drowned out by hype of wars,” Natasha Bajema in Taylor and Francis


May 30, 2024: “Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower: A CNS videocast series,” hosted by Sarah Bidgood and Hanna Notte in Arms Control and International Security Issues

May 24, 2024: “Map Shows US Spy Flight Along Korean DMZ,” North Korea Missile Test Database in Newsweek

May 23, 2024: “North Korea Satellite Images Raise New Nuclear Fears,” Jeffery Lewis in Newsweek

May 23, 2024: “A local expert helps put today’s geopolitical landscape into perspective,” Jeffery Lewis in Monterey County Now

May 23, 2024: “May 22, 2024: ‘Death Dust: Why the World Should Still Worry about Radiological Weapons – A Geneva Security Debate’ William Potter, Sarah Bigood and Hanna Notte in Geneva Centre for Security Policy” Jeffery Lewis in Monterey County Now

May 22, 2024: “Death Dust: Why the World Should Still Worry about Radiological Weapons – A Geneva Security Debate” William Potter, Sarah Bigood and Hanna Notte in Geneva Centre for Security Policy

May 15, 2024: “Why is Russia holding nuclear drills and should the West be worried?” Nikolai Sokov quoted in Reuters

May 15, 2024: “China-Russia: an economic ‘friendship’ that could rattle the world” Hanna Notte in Financial Times

May 15, 2024: “Kim Jong Un Making Rocket Launchers in Old Car Factory, Analyst Says” Jeffrey Lewis quoted in Newsweek

May 13, 2024: “Chabahar Shuffle” Jim Lamson in Arms Control Wonk

May 13, 2024: “Did the US Invent Lyme Disease in the 1960s? The House Aims to Find Out” Richard Pilch in Principia Scientific International

May 10, 2024: “Satellite Images Reveal Where Russian Nukes Could Be Stored in Belarus” Jeffrey Lewis in The New York Times

May 8, 2024: “Aiken High Students in activism club discuss transformative California field trip experience” Masako Toki in Yahoo!

May 7, 2024: “Alum Calls for Fresh Perspective in Remarks to the UN Security Council” Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova in MIIS

May 7, 2024: “Russian nuke exercises: Would Russia really attack Ukraine?” Nikolai Sokov in MSN

May 4, 2024: “North Korean weapons are killing Ukrainians. The implications are far bigger” Jeffrey Lewis in BBC

May 3, 2024: “Missile defence successes in Gulf, Ukraine fuel global urgency to acquire systems” Jeffrey Lewis in Reuters

May 3, 2024: “MIIS/MANPTS Alumnus Hideo Asano Strives to Join Forces for Nuclear Abolition” Masako Toki and Alyssa Ishimura in CNS

May 2, 2024: “OP#59: Russia, The Global South and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy after the Invasion of Ukraine” Hanna Notte in CNS Occasional Papers series


April 16, 2024: “Israel, Iran Seek Deterrence but Risk Escalation” Hanna Notte quoted in The Wall Street Journal

April 15, 2024: “Russian weapons help Iran harden defenses against Israeli airstrike” Hanna Notte quoted in The Washington Post

April 18, 2024: “What happens if nukes start to fall? Interactive graphic shows what parts of London would be instantly vaporised, engulfed in deadly radiation…or survive unscathed” Jeffrey Lewis in Daily Mail

April 15, 2024: “The Best For Putin: How The Kremlin Stands To Gain From Iran’s Attack On Israel” Hanna Notte quoted in Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

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March 29, 2024: “Putin’s Next Escalation Is Coming” Hanna Notte in The New York Times

March 25, 2024: “Putin’s Ukraine obsession has blinded him to dangers at home” Hanna Notte in Financial Times

March 22, 2024: “Middlebury Experts Examine the Complicated Threat of Dirty Bombs in New Book” William Potter, Sarah Bidgood, and Hanna Notte in MIIS News

March 18, 2024: “A Perilous Crossroads: Deciphering North Korea’s Escalating Belligerence” Siegfried Hecker in Stanford’s FSI News

March 4, 2024: “Containing Global Russia” Hanna Notte in War on the Rocks

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February 19, 2024: “A North Korean invasion is no longer unthinkable. But it’s still unlikely” Siegfried Hecker in NK NEWS

February 14, 2024: “Russia’s Dangerous New Friends How Moscow Is Partnering With the Axis of Resistance” Hanna Notte in Foreign Affairs

February 11, 2024: “Unraveling the Legacy of J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project” Siegfried Hecker in bnn

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January 30, 2024: “Commentary: Atomic veteran’s experience with 31-kiloton nuke is worth recalling as ‘Doomsday Clock’ resets” Jeffrey Lewis in the LA Times

January 30, 2024: “North Korea Now Using AI in Nuclear Program: Report” Hyuk Kim on

January 26, 2024: “Is North Korea Preparing to Start A War?” Siegfried Hecker in The National Interest

January 24, 2024: “Russia’s Growing Support for Iran and North Korea” Hanna Notte on the podcast ‘Thinking the Unthinkable’ for War on the Rocks

January 18, 2024: “Nuclear Armageddon ”Siegfried S. Hecker on BBC UK

January 17, 2024: “A Fundamental Shift or More of the Same? A Rebuttal” Siegfried Hecker in 38North

January 17, 2024: “As if We Didn’t Have Enough to Frighten Us …” Siegfried Hecker in The New York Times

January 11, 2024: “Is Kim Jong Un Preparing for War?” Siegfried S. Hecker in 38North

January 3, 2024: “E129 – Hope at the Brink w/ Jeffrey Lewis” Jeffrey Lewis in American Prestige Podcast

January 2024: “Documenting a North Korean missile in Ukraine” by Conflict Armament Research with assistance from CNS

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