
María Antonieta Jáquez

The Role of NWFZs and the TPNW Towards Global Nuclear Weapon Elimination

A video with speaker María Antonieta Jáquez Huacuja, Deputy General Director for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and Arms Control, Mexican Secretariat of Foreign Affairs.

Neil Couch, Director, Office of Verification, Planning, and Outreach; Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance; U.S. Department of State

The Implementation of START, the Moscow Treaty, and New START

What happens after an arms control treaty is signed and ratified, and the hard work of negotiations bears fruit? In short, more hard work.

38 North logo

Negative Security Assurance and Nuclear Diplomacy: Implications for the Complete Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

Delve into North Korea’s perspective on negative security assurance (NSA) through an exploration of Pyongyang’s diplomatic narratives and discover the implications for the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

NPTS Alumnus Gabiden Laumulin - The Significant CNS/MIIS Presence at the 2023 NPT PrepCom in Vienna

The Significant CNS/MIIS Presence at the 2023 NPT PrepCom in Vienna

In keeping with its deep tradition, CNS was very visible at meetings of the Working Group for Further Strengthening the NPT Review Process and the 2023 NPT Preparatory Committee in Vienna.

US and China flags with radiation symbol

First steps on a long path: seizing the opportunity to reduce US-China nuclear risks

Incentivizing China to see nuclear and risk reduction as beneficial rather than detrimental will require skillful U.S. diplomacy to leverage pressure from allies in Europe and regional states.

Reducing Nuclear Threats in a Time of Peril: A CNS Seminar with Ambassador Alexander Kmentt

Reducing Nuclear Threats in a Time of Peril: A CNS Seminar with Ambassador Alexander Kmentt

Austrian Ambassador Alexander Kmentt identified an array of growing nuclear challenges and the steps needed to mitigate them.

The evolution of Russia’s relations with the West: A conversation with Hanna Notte (Src:

The evolution of Russia’s relations with the West: A conversation with Hanna Notte

Dr. Hanna Notte gave an interview on the evolution of Russia’s foreign policy and Russia’s war against Ukraine to, an Armenian online television and media platform.

Maritime and Sanctions Compliance Spring Events

Maritime and Sanctions Compliance Spring Events

Several events on the topic of maritime and sanctions compliance were hosted recently.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Why the IAEA model may not be best for regulating artificial intelligence

An intense focus is needed to identify possible pathways through which AI could threaten humanity.

Jayantha Dhanapala

In Remembrance of Jayantha Dhanapala (1938-2023)

Jayantha Dhanapala was an extraordinary global citizen, who will be sorely missed by all.