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The Risk of Renewed Nuclear Testing

The end of nuclear weapons testing is a significant nonproliferation success, yet concerns about its resumption persist.

OP#60: Nuclear China in the Twenty-First Century: Status and Implications for the World and Europe

Concerns over China’s rapid nuclear arsenal expansion have prompted global efforts to assess its implications, especially for NATO’s security.

OP#59: Russia, The Global South and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy after the Invasion of Ukraine

OP#59: Russia, The Global South and Multilateral Nuclear Diplomacy after the Invasion of Ukraine

This paper assesses the impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine on multilateral nuclear diplomacy, with a particular focus on dynamics between Russia and countries of the Global South.

Strategic Trade Controls as a Foreign Policy Tool in Strategic Competition: Implications of a Shift Beyond Global Nonproliferation Goals

This paper delineates three predominant trends characterizing the utilization of end-use/r-based controls by states.

Shinkolobwe mine map

Uranium Security in the DRC

With multiple compromises on the perimeter, as well as poorly placed guard towers, the Shinkolobwe mine is not as secured as it should be.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)

Strategic Empathy: Examining Pattern Breaks to Better Understand Adversaries

Through case studies involving Russia, North Korea, and Iran the authors suggest that a more holistic, nuanced understanding of the adversary can inform effective policy responses.

Cover with title and image of a military parade in China with TELs going down the street

People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force Order of Battle 2023

Over the past decade China doubled its combat missile brigades and unveiled new capabilities revealing its fears and conceptions about how future wars in the region will be conducted.

Cover pf the paper, "Demonstrating a Warhead Tracking System."

Demonstrating a Warhead Tracking System

This methodology would support a verifiable nuclear warhead arms control treaty or other measures addressing nuclear warheads.

Cover page of the report titled: "An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group". The cover features a group photo of the ACRS Working Group participants from April 1995 and lists the report title and names of the two authors, Dr. Chen Kane and Dr. Hanna Notte.

An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group

The report contains a comprehensive account of the ACRS Working Group meetings during the 1990s.

Everything Counts: Building a Control Regime for Nonstrategic Nuclear Warheads in Europe (CNS Occasional Paper #55)

OP55: Everything Counts: Building a Control Regime for Nonstrategic Nuclear Warheads in Europe

Such an agreement will face major negotiating and implementation challenges—not only between Washington and Moscow, but also between Washington and NATO European allies.