CNS DC Related

Stephen Herzog

CNS Welcomes Dr. Stephen Herzog as Professor of the Practice

In his new role at CNS, Dr. Herzog will pursue a variety of activities focusing on nuclear issues.

Ambassador Shaker on the occasion of the reissuing of his book in 2010. He is chatting with three other NPT Review Conference Presidents—Ambassadors Sergio Duarte, Jayantha Dhanapala, and Abdallah Baali—and Professor Potter (src: CNS)

In Remembrance of Ambassador Sergio Duarte

CNS experts were privileged to work with Ambassador Duarte of the 2005 NPT Review Conference.

Closeup of the cover

Nonproliferation Review and CNS Announce McElvany Award Winners

Grand Prize winner: “A tale of two fuel cycles: defining enrichment and reprocessing in the nonproliferation regime” by Sidra Hamidi and Chantell Murphy.

Cover of the paper "A Framework to Evaluate the Risks of LLMs for Assisting CBRN Production Processes"

A Framework to Evaluate the Risks of LLMs for Assisting CBRN Production Processes

This paper examines how Large Language Models (LLMs) could contribute to the proliferation of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons.

Artificial Intelligence image

AI and Nonproliferation: CNS Experts Lead the Way

CNS is examining the nexus of AI and WMD nonproliferation from several perspectives informed by a core group of staff with deep expertise on a variety of relevant issues.

Vasilis Petropoulos

Research Assistant / DC Office Manager

three photos one of Sarah Bidgood one of Rose Gottemoeller and one group photo of the panel

Russian Nuclear Weapons In Belarus? A CNS Roundtable Discussion

Discussion on Putin’s announcement that Russia will deploy tactical nuclear warheads to Belarus.

Rose Gottemoeller at a podium with US flag behind

NATO And The Future Of Arms Control And Strategic Stability In Europe

CNS hosted the event with the support of the German and Danish embassies in Washington.

Group photo in a large lobby.

U.S. Hosts Regional Maritime Sanctions Enforcement Workshop in Manila

CNS and VERTIC with the U.S. Department of State, delivered a workshop for customs, coast guard, and legal officials from the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Taiwan to enforce maritime sanctions.

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Export Controls in an Era of Strategic Competition: Implications for the Existing Landscape and the Need for a New Multilateral Trade Review Regime

Dr. Ian Stewart has published a new article on export controls in an era of strategic competition in the Winter/Spring 2023 issue of the Strategic Trade Review.