
Digital security (src: medithIT,

Is the US Losing the Artificial Intelligence Arms Race?

Increasingly sophisticated Chinese and Russian technologies threaten the dominance of US technological innovation.

Floating Nuclear Power Station

Regulating Floating Nuclear Power Plants

Problems and prospects of the international legal regime.

Princeton University

Evidence about North Korea’s Nuclear-Weapon Designs

Open-source data presents a consistent picture of DPRK’s four nuclear-weapon designs

Military Aircraft on tarmac

Why the US Has Nuclear Weapons in Turkey—and May Try to Put the Bombs Away

Pentagon officials are reviewing plans to remove 50 nuclear bombs.

Robots at a tech conference

The End of Military-Techno Pax Americana?

Washington’s strategic responses to Chinese AI-enabled military technology.

Inside HIgher Ed logo

The Bomb in College Classrooms

“We’re not teaching students enough about weapons of mass destruction—and it shows,” warns CNS expert Sarah Bidgood.

Nikolai Sokov at the event

The Hague Code of Conduct: Multivector Expansion

At a UN event, Dr. Nikolai Sokov discusses risky but valuable changes to the missile regime.

North Korea flag on a computer screen

Judge Juche: How North Korean Front Companies Sell Their Software to the World

The global reach of North Korean IT companies challenges those seeking to comply with sanctions on North Korea.

Arms Control Association (ACA)

Risky Business: Four Ways to Ease US-Russian Nuclear Tension

The era of traditional U.S.-Russian arms control appears to be ending.

The slide show presentation event

Answering Threats with Threats

Iranian fears of biological weapons may be driving their offensive development.