
Nonproliferation Course to be Convened for US Officials in Washington DC

DEADLINE MAY 9: US Government officials are invited to apply to attend May 19-23rd, 2014 course at the CNS Washington DC office.

Stephanie Lieggi

CNS Online Course: “Global Trade and Weapons of Mass Destruction”

DEADLINE MAY 30: Identify how states and companies ensure that dual-use items are not used to produce WMD.

2014 NPT Action Plan Monitoring Report

Four years after the adoption of the NPT Action Plan, progress on nuclear disarmament is disappointing.

Nuclear Implications of the Ukraine Crisis

Possible implications for the 2014 NPT PrepCom.

Obama’s Prague Agenda Is for Youth to Inherit

Opinion: Nonproliferation & disarmament education for high school students has never been more important.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon addresses the 2010 NPT Review Conference in New York

Rough Seas Ahead: Issues for the 2015 NPT Review Conference

Next year’s Conference promises to be contentious, with the changing debate on nuclear disarmament taking center stage.

President Barack Obama Wikimedia Commons

Advancing Nuclear Disarmament: The US Role

While impediments to a more assertive US role are immense, progress could be achieved with astute and bold leadership.

CBRN Centres of Excellence logo

Development of e-Learning Courses for CBRN Risk Mitigation

CNS is creating an online training course as part of a project to raise awareness on CBRN risk mitigation.

Nuclear Norms Workshop

Scholars’ Workshop on Nuclear Norms

MARCH 20-22, 2014: CNS Workshop – Part of the project, “Nuclear Norms and Global Governance.”

Barack Obama speaking at the Nuclear Security Summit, Wikimedia Commons

The 2014 Nuclear Security Summit: Are We Safe Yet?

53 national leaders met in The Hague for the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit. Are we safer?