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How Ukraine Became a World War

New Players Are Transforming the Conflict—and Complicating the Path to Ending It

Bill, Izumi, and crowd

CNS Celebrates its 35th Anniversary

CNS celebrated its 35th anniversary at a gala reception at the Tabard Inn in Washington, DC on October 21.

Meeting panorama (Src:

Under-Secretary Bonnie Jenkins Keynotes CNS Meeting

The CNS International Advisory Council met in Washington, DC on October 21st for its annual meeting.

collage with university towers, chess pieces, a tank on a beach, smoke

Machiavelli in the Ivory Tower: A CNS videocast series

Ep.12: China’s Nuclear Modernization with Dr. Fiona Cunningham

Carnegie Politika

Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Future Depends on More Than a Referendum

Officials in Astana need to focus on meaningful localization if they want Kazakhstan to build a successful civil nuclear industry.

NATO and Emerging Technologies—The Alliance’s Shifting Approach to Military Innovation

NATO and Emerging Technologies—The Alliance’s Shifting Approach to Military Innovation

This explores ongoing NATO activities and challenges adapting to the new era of defense innovation, emerging technologies, and great power competition.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)

CNS Congratulates Nihon Hidankyo on Winning the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize

CNS is honored to have partnered with Nihon Hidankyo on various education and training programs.

Cover for Russia's "War against Ukraine".

Emerging and Disruptive Technologies Transform, but Do Not Lift, the Fog of War: Evidence from Russia’s War on Ukraine

New technologies add more complexity than clarity on battlefields.

‘Dual-use’ case: Russian attack drone maker evades Western scrutiny

A Russian startup drone manufacturer has cashed in on the exploding demand for unmanned aerial vehicles spurred by the war in Ukraine.

OP#62: The Future of NATO’s Nuclear Posture and Arms Control in Today’s More Dangerous World

At the present moment, it is hard to see grounds for optimism when it comes to nuclear arms control or risk reduction.