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Would Vladimir Putin use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine?

As the war approaches Nato’s borders military officials on both sides will have to communicate closely.

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A New Nuclear Arms Race Is a Real Possibility

History suggests the war in Ukraine could put an end to arms control as we know it.

Nonproliferation Review NPR thumbnail for posts [[Evergreen]]

In the pages of the Nonproliferation Review: Russia and biological weapons

Articles analyzing Russia’s long history of fabrications about biological weapons and Russia’s own BW history

Russian President Vladimir Putin (src: Shutterstock)

Russian Misinformation About Ukrainian Radiological Weapons Capabilities and Intentions

A flurry of unsubstantiated and intentionally misleading allegations began prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and continue to this date.

The Conversation

Would Putin use nuclear weapons? An arms control expert explains what has and hasn’t changed since the invasion of Ukraine

So far, arms control has played its intended role of limiting the scope and violence in Ukraine.

War on the Rocks

The Fallout from Russia’s Attack on Ukrainian Nuclear Facilities

Why have these civilian nuclear facilities been the object of attack, and what are the likely consequences of this high-risk military action by Moscow?

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

How international law applies to attacks on nuclear and associated facilities in Ukraine

The postwar international system will need to consider stronger legal measures and consider how to enforce such measures.