
CNS’ Experts Jean du Preez and Miles Pomper were hosted at the Center for Security, Strategy and Policy Research’s program “InFocus with Ejaz Haider” for a conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

InFocus with Ejaz Haider -Ep 23, Nov 8: The Unraveling of Arms Control and Nonproliferation

A conversation on the future of arms control and nonproliferation in the wake of Russia’s de-ratification of the CTBT and other ongoing events.

Foreign Affairs logo

Russia’s Axis of the Sanctioned

Moscow Is Bringing Washington’s Enemies Together

Foreign Affairs logo

How Russia Globalized the War in Ukraine

The Kremlin’s Pressure-Point Strategy to Undermine the West

The Wall Street Journal

The Perils of Premature Negotiation Over Ukraine

Peace talks with Russia are pointless unless Putin gives up his ambition to push the U.S. and NATO from Eastern Europe.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Why the world must protect nuclear reactors from military attacks. Now.

While Russia’s actions at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant have received condemnation, its attacks on reactors and nuclear facilities may not be illegal given the fact that no international agreement specifically addresses the issue.

Sig Hecker talking to a group

How to Rebuild the Global Nuclear Order Post-Ukraine?

Dr. Hecker highlighted the importance of scientists and diplomats working together on these complex issues.

Atomic Hobo podcast logo

Podcast Appearance on the Nuclear Dynamics of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

CNS expert Josh Pollack, editor of the Nonproliferation Review, made a guest appearance on Julie McDowall’s podcast, “Atomic Hobo.”

CNS Visiting Fellows with Jean du Preez and Rotary Leader

CNS Visiting Fellows Give Perspectives as a Ukrainian and a Russian on the War in Ukraine

On May 12, 2022, CNS Visiting Fellows Valeriia Hesse and Kirill Iliin gave a talk to The Monterey Rotary Club.

The Impact of Russia’s Ukraine Invasion in the Middle East and North Africa

CNS expert Hanna Notte testifies on how the war might affect Moscow’s future interests, role and diplomacy in the region.


The Impact of the Ukraine War on Missile Diplomacy in the Middle East

Russian equivocation, U.S. distraction, and Gulf Arab states’ reliance on deterrence and defense will likely undermine prospects for addressing regional missile proliferation through diplomacy.