Modeling the Food Supply Chain During the Pandemic

Dr. Dalnoki-Veress developed a hypothetical model to build resilient networks that can serve underserved communities during challenging times.

Vartan Gregorian Speaking

In Remembrance of Dr. Vartan Gregorian

CNS observes the passing of Dr. Vartan Gregorian, an extraordinary educator, scholar, and visionary.

Government officials standing in front of their country's flags

Will Iran Accept Russia’s Ideas for a Middle East Regional Security Process?

Getting Iran to engage on the “plus” of a “JCPOA plus” will be hard, and recent Russian proposals will unlikely convince Tehran.

Webinar participants screen from Zoom

Syria and America’s Race to Destroy the Most Dangerous Arsenal in the World

Dr. Hanna Notte hosted two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Joby Warrick for a discussion on his latest book.

Syrian and Russian leaders with flags

Chemical Weapons Arms Control at a Crossroads

WEBINAR: Insights from international experts on challenges posed by Russian and Syrian use of chemical weapons.

Zoom Webinar

Critical Issues Forum 3rd Speaker Series: “Rebooting Memories” with Hibakusha

Visualizations help students empathize with the suffering caused by the atomic bombing of Japan.

Four world leaders with the text

The Third Bomb and How to Prevent It

Prospects for a return the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) under the Biden administration against the backdrop of the Abraham Accords.

Cover with nuclear towers and nuclear symbol

Book Release: Nuclear Choices for the Twenty-First Century

Topics covered are radioactivity, radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear reactors, and fusion energy, nuclear fuel cycle and the management of nuclear waste.

Hanna Notte on webcam

Return to the Deal? The New US Administration and the Prospects for the JCPOA

CNS senior non-resident scholar Dr. Notte speaks on the return to the JCPOA at event hosted by the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow.

Richard Pilch and Elena Sokova speaking through Zoom

Global Health Security Implications of COVID-19

There are still many grey areas related to the virus, including its origin, emerging genetic variants and security implications.