Dr. Dalnoki-Veress developed a hypothetical model to build resilient networks that can serve underserved communities during challenging times.
Getting Iran to engage on the “plus” of a “JCPOA plus” will be hard, and recent Russian proposals will unlikely convince Tehran.
Dr. Hanna Notte hosted two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Joby Warrick for a discussion on his latest book.
WEBINAR: Insights from international experts on challenges posed by Russian and Syrian use of chemical weapons.
Prospects for a return the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) under the Biden administration against the backdrop of the Abraham Accords.
Topics covered are radioactivity, radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear reactors, and fusion energy, nuclear fuel cycle and the management of nuclear waste.
CNS senior non-resident scholar Dr. Notte speaks on the return to the JCPOA at event hosted by the Valdai Discussion Club in Moscow.
There are still many grey areas related to the virus, including its origin, emerging genetic variants and security implications.