Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived]
Early Lab-to-Lab | Export Control | Nielsen Jr. | Symposia | WSSX
Physics | Reminiscences of Russia | Caroline (Cas) Mason
- Joint Conferences on Computational Methods
- Science & Technology Cooperation Agreement
This collection of photos, records and reports, courtesy of Dr. Dale Nielsen, provides historically accurate details about the US-Russian conferences on computational methods. These conferences nurtured scientific contacts and branched out into joint research and joint projects with lasting benefits to all the labs involved in them.

Group photo of Russian and US participants of JCCM-1, Livermore, Oct, 1992
Russian/US weapons laboratories introductory technical exchange in computational and computer science (JCCM-1), Livermore, Ca, LLNL, 19-21 October 1992
Agenda of JCCM-1
Session A: Algorithm Development I, October 19
Session A, List of Papers | Session A, Full text
Session B: Algorithm Development II, October 19
Session B, List of Papers | Session B, Full text
Session C: Applications, October 20
Session C, List of Papers | Session C, Full text
Session D: Applied Math and Analysis, October 21
Session D, List of Papers | Session D, Full text
Session E: High-Performance Computing, October 21
Session E, List of Papers | Session E, Full text
Session F: Distributed Computing, October 20
Session F, List of Papers | Session F, Full text
Computer Modelling Conference (JCCM-2), Arzamas-16, VNIIEF, September 7-11, 1993

Second computational conference in Arzamas-16. Sep.1993
Dale Nielsen’s notes of I.D. Sofronov opening talk
Third Joint Conference on Computation Mathematics (JCCM-3), Los Alamos, NM, January 23-27, 1995

Group photo of participants of the Third Computational Conference. Los Alamos, Jan. 1995
Fourth Joint Conference on Computational Mathematics (JCCM-4), Snezhinsk, May 20-25, 1996

Fourth Computational Conference: participant numbers grow. Snezhinsk, May 1996
Fifth Joint Russian-American Computational Mathematics Conference (JCCM-5) , Albuquerque, NM, SNL, September 2-7, 1997
Proceedings of JCCM-5
LLNL’s George Miller’s proposal to restart the JCCMs, February 1999
Joint Russian-American Five-Laboratory Conference on Computational Mathematics/Physics (JCCM-6), Vienna, Austria, June 19-23, 2005

Joint Russian-American Five-Laboratory Conference on Computational Mathematics/Physics. Vienna, May 2005