Despite progress, risks posed by highly enriched uranium remain. A new joint report from CNS, NTI, and FMWG lays out a roadmap with five pathways to ending civilian and naval HEU use.
Disagreements over the Middle East, the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, and an international legal prohibition against them prevent NPT state parties from reaching agreement on a final document.
New research aims to help the region prepare for upcoming WMD proliferation challenges.
A symposium at the NPT Review Conference featured young academicians presenting their fresh ideas for reinvigorating the three pillars of the NPT.
The logic of chain-reaction proliferation in the Middle East is critically flawed. Time for a reality check on the region’s nuclear capacity.
Occasional Paper #21: Researchers find biotechnology e-commerce has significantly disrupted the effectiveness of export controls.
Video: a roundtable discussion was held on April 9th, 2015 with Jeffrey Knopf moderating.
Join us May 4 at the Bah’a’i UN Center to explore ways to amplify disarmament and nonproliferation education efforts.
CNS will host a panel event during the NPT Review Conference to explore ways toward a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.