
Satellite image of the training center on the coast

Revealed: North Korea’s Likely New Submariner Training Center

North Korea’s images of a new submarine, likely with multiple submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

(L–R:) IONP Director Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, and CNS Director Bill Potter. Photo taken during DG Amano’s first university lecture after assuming his position as DG at the IAEA. April 16, 2010.

In Remembrance of Director General Yukiya Amano

It is with great sadness that I observe the passing of my friend, Yukiya Amano.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

DC Luncheon: Whither a Middle East WMD-Free Zone

A conversation with Assistant Secretary Christopher Ford.

Summer Fellows Group Photo

Next-Gen Nonproliferation Experts Shine at CNS Major Supporters’ Event

17 summer undergraduate nonproliferation fellows give their research presentations.

CRDF Global Fellow Develops Arabic Nuclear Security Course

Online training in more languages widens the pool of learners.

US Department of State Headquarters

Taking the Pulse at the Inaugural Meeting of the CEND Initiative

A positive start for “Creating an Environment for Nuclear Disarmament”

Legal article (src: Pixabay)

A Model Law Prohibiting Luxury Goods Transfers to North Korea

CNS has developed a model embargo law easily adaptable by UN Member States.

Nuclear Comeback Time in Europe?

For arms control to survive, we must focus on what we need, not necessarily what we want.

The Washington Post

North Korea Is Keeping Its Nukes. That Seems to Be Fine with Trump Now.

The administration is treating North Korea like the nuclear power it is.

North Korea Officials with Un Laughing Image Credit Rodong Sinmun

Another North Korean Provocation Ahead of the G20 Summit? Don’t Count on It

North Korea is keeping its options open amid warming ties with the United States and China.