Andrea Berger Articles

OP #43: North Korea’s International Scientific Collaborations: Their Scope, Scale, and Potential Dual-Use and Military Significance

International scientific collaborations are helping North Korea advance its technology.

Revealed: North Korea Is Secretly Selling Face Scanning Tech (src: Wikimedia Commons, public domain)

Revealed: North Korea Is Secretly Selling Face Scanning Tech

The Daily Beast published an exclusive look at a new CNS report exposing North Korean subterfuge.

CNS staff and graduate research assistants joined Chilean diplomat, Pamela Moraga (center), on the Chilean delegation to the 2018 NPT PrepCom.

CNS Activities at the 2018 NPT PrepCom

From April 23–May 4, 2018, the NPT Preparatory Committee convened in Geneva.

OP#36: The Shadow Sector: North Korea’s Information Technology Networks

OP#36: The Shadow Sector: North Korea’s Information Technology Networks

North Korea’s global IT network undermines sanctions and poses grave cyber-security threats.

Left to right: Dave Schmerler, Jeffrey Lewis, and Melissa Hanham

True Detectives

On California’s magnificent Central Coast, a group of North Korea experts track Pyongyang’s every nuclear move. But—if we’re listening—the story they’re telling us is also about ourselves.

North Korea flag and stop sign (Src: Shutterstock)

Walls and Ladders: The Latest UN Report on DPRK Sanctions

Commentary published in War on the Rocks.

Andrea Berger

Canada Poised to Play an Important Role in Defusing the North Korea Crisis

Closer coordination is essential as countries with a stake in this issue are still miles apart on everything from the scale of the threat to the most desirable way forward.

Melissa Hanham on PBS NewsHour

Technical and Political Insights into North Korea

Warring words, nuclear tests, and increased missile capabilities: CNS experts on the developments and implications.