CNS DC Related

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International Nuclear Export Controls and Nonproliferation: The Collective Action Problem

In his new book Dr. Stewart examines the evolution of international nuclear non-proliferation trade controls over time.

Book cover for "International Nuclear Export Controls and Non-Proliferation: The Collective Action Problem" by Ian J. Stewart.

International Nuclear Export Controls and Non-Proliferation

A book by Ian J. Stewart examining the evolution of international nuclear non-proliferation trade controls over time.

Minh Ly, Research Associate, CNS Washington, DC office

Minh Ly

Research Associate, CNS Washington, DC office

The facility FRM II, from the IAEA Imagebank via Flickr.

OP #51: The Final Stretch: Tackling Remaining HEU Challenges

HEU represents a highly attractive target for terrorists and proliferators.

Screenshot of participants webinar screens

(Still) Preparing for the Tenth NPT Review Conference

Senior diplomats and officials discuss the upcoming NPT Review Conference during the CNS virtual workshop.

Securing Sensitive Technologies: A Discussion on Strategies for Global Supply Chains in Today’s Strategic Trade Control Landscape  

This CNS program focuses on the evolution of strategic supply chains, including ‘industry mapping’ of key strategic technologies.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

How to Make Sure Neutrons Save Lives Instead of End Them

The authors call for an international mechanism to anticipate worldwide research reactor needs and how to meet them efficiently and minimizing the use of highly enriched uranium.

Remote Graduate Research Assistant Position for MIIS students with the Washington DC office

Working virtually with the Washington DC office of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation studies (CNS), you will acquire on-the-job training with experts and leading scholars.

Celebrating Women in Nonproliferation

Women colleagues lead initiatives, publish innovative nonproliferation research, serve as mentors, and speak at conferences (or webinars, in the era of COVID-19).

Cameron Henderson

Research Associate