Search Results NPT

Nonproliferation Review • 7.3 • Fall 2000

Volume 7 • Number 3 INTERVIEW Ambassador Abdallah Baali on the 2000 NPT Review Conference conducted by Tariq Rauf ARTICLES The South African Chemical and Biological Warfare Program: An Overview by Chandré Gould and Peter I. Folb Confidence-Building Measures for the BTWC: Performance and Potential by Marie Isabelle Chevrier and Iris Hunger Parameters of Stable […]

Nonproliferation Review • 7.1 • Spring 2000

Volume 7 • Number 1 ARTICLES Isotopes and Identity: Australia and the Nuclear Weapons Option, 1949-1999 by Jacques E.C. Hymans Ideas, Beliefs, and Nuclear Policies: The Cases of South Africa and Ukraine by William J. Long and Suzette R. Grillot North Korean Behavior in Nuclear Negotiations by Yong-Sup Han SPECIAL REPORT — Assessing US Nonproliferation […]

Nonproliferation Review • 9.2 • Summer 2002

Volume 9 • Number 2 INTERVIEW Ambassador Henrik Salander on the 2002 NPT Preparatory Committee conducted by William C. Potter, Mary Beth Nikitin, & Tariq Rauf Special Section on Missile Proliferation Introduction by Mark Smith U.S.-DPRK Missile Negotiations by Gary Samore The Neglected Dimension: Controlling Cruise Missile Proliferation by Dennis M. Gormley The Global Control […]

Nonproliferation Review • 10.3 • Fall 2003

Volume 10 • Number 3 ARTICLES Project Vinca: Lessons for Securing Civil Nuclear Material Stockpiles Philipp C. Bleek Cuba and the Nonproliferation Regime: A Small State Response to Global Instability Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado Inspecting the Inspectorate: A Look at Financial and Political Support for the IAEA Kaleb J. Redden Stakeholders in the Indian Strategic Missile Program […]

Nonproliferation Review • 10.1 • Spring 2003

Volume 10 • Number 1 ARTICLES Liability and Western Nonproliferation Assistance to Russia: Time for a Fresh Look? by R. Douglas Brubaker and Leonard S. Spector The NPT and Its 2003 PrepCom Session: A Regime in Need of Intensive Care by Tanya Ogilvie-White and John Simpson Challenges to Nuclear Stability in South Asia by Feroz […]

Nonproliferation Review • 11.2 • Summer 2004

Volume 11 • Number 2 ARTICLES Rethinking Interdiction: The Future of the Proliferation Security Initiative Thomas D. Lehrman Israel and the South African Bomb Peter Liberman Ostrich Engagement: The Bush Administration and the North Korea Nuclear Crisis Wade L. Huntley Fiddling While Rome Burns? The 2004 NPT PrepCom John Simpson and Jenny Nielsen VIEWPOINTS Criminalization […]

Nonproliferation Review • 12.2 • July 2005

Volume 12 • Number 2 ARTICLES The 2005 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Mission Impossible? John Simpson and Jenny Nielsen The Proliferation Security Initiative: The Asia-Pacific Context Andrew Newman and Brad Williams VIEWPOINT Space Weapons and Proliferation Michael Krepon with Michael Katz-Hyman India and the New Look of U.S. Nonproliferation Policy William C. Potter Preventive Attacks […]

Nonproliferation Review • 13.3 • November 2006

Volume 13 • Number 3 SPECIAL ISSUE – Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: 2016 Introduction Nuclear Proliferation Over the Next Decade: Causes, Warning Signs, and Policy Responses Peter R. Lavoy Insights from the Past: Theory, Intelligence, and Policy Theories of Nuclear Proliferation: The State of the Field Jacques E. C. Hymans Anticipating Nuclear Proliferation: Insights from the […]

Nonproliferation Review • 13.2 • July 2006

Volume 13 • Number 2 ARTICLES Incapacitating Biochemical Weapons: Science, Technology, and Policy for the 21st Century Alan Pearson Harnessing Global Trade Data for Biological Arms Control Gunnar Jeremias and Jan van Aken Codes of Conduct as a Tool for Managing Biorisks Filippa Lentzos The Role of Legitimacy in Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Nina […]

Nonproliferation Review • 13.1 • March 2006

Volume 13 • Number 1 INTERVIEWS Keeping the NPT Together: A Thankless Job in a Climate of Mistrust An interview by Jean du Preez with Ambassador Sergio Duarte ARTICLES Rebel Without a Cause? Explaining Iraq’s Response to Resolution 1441 Maalfrid Braut-Hegghammer U.S. Space Weapons: Big Intentions, Little Focus Theresa Hitchens, Michael Katz-Hyman, and Jeffrey Lewis […]