Search Results NPT

Nonproliferation Review • 1.2 • Winter 1994

Volume 1 • Number 2 ARTICLES China’s Nuclear Export Controls: Policy and Regulations by Weixing Hu Deterrence After Nuclear Proliferation: Implications for Nuclear Forces and Defense Spending by Eric H. Arnett Cuba’s Nuclear Power Program and Post-Cold War Pressures by Jonathan-Benjamin-Alvarado and Alexander Belkin Nuclear Weapons in a Changing World: Consequences for Development by Joseph […]

Nonproliferation Review • 2.2 • Winter 1995

Volume 2 • Number 2 ARTICLES CTBT and NPT: Options for U.S. Policy by Maurice A. Mallin The Nuclear Equation in a New Middle East by Avner Cohen North Korea, IAEA Special Inspections, and the Future of the Nonproliferation Regime by Matthias Dembinski Reducing Nuclear Dangers in South Asia: A Pakistani Perspective by Abdul Sattar […]

Nonproliferation Review • 3.3 • Spring-Summer 1996

Volume 3 • Number 3 ARTICLES Monitoring and Verification in a Noncooperative Environment: Lessons from the U.N. Experience in Iraq by Jonathan B. Tucker New Members of the Club: Chinese Participation in Arms Control Regimes 1980-1995 by Wendy Frieman Rewarding Nonproliferation: The South and North Korean Cases by Michael J. Engelhardt The CWC in the […]

Nonproliferation Review • 3.1 • Fall 1996

Volume 3 • Number 1 ARTICLES South Africa’s Nuclear Weapon Program: Lessons for U.S. Nonproliferation Policy by Frank V. Pabian Egypt’s Nuclear Program: Assessing Supplier-Based and Other Developmental Constraints by Barbara M. Gregory After the NPT’s Indefinite Extension: The Future of the Global Nonproliferation Regime by Tariq Rauf and Rebecca Johnson Improving IAEA Safeguards through […]

Nonproliferation Review • 4.2 • Winter 1997

Volume 4 • Number 2 ARTICLES Norway’s Nuclear Odyssey: From Optimistic Proponent to Nonproliferator by Astrid Forland Tactical Nuclear Weapons Elimination: Next Step for Arms Control by Nikolai Sokov Upgrading Security at Nuclear Power Plants in the Newly Independent States by Oleg Bukharin The Evolution of China’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy by Mingquan Zhu VIEWPOINTS Strengthening […]

Nonproliferation Review • 4.1 • Fall 1997

Volume 4 • Number 1 ARTICLES The Kiwi that Roared: Nuclear-Free New Zealand in a Nuclear-Armed World by Wade Huntley Middle East Peace and the NPT Extension Decision by Gerald M. Steinberg Japan’s Export Control Initiatives: Meeting New Nonproliferation Challenges by Bates Gill, Kensuke Ebata, and Matthew Stephenson Is There a Theory of Nuclear Proliferation? […]

Nonproliferation Review • 5.2 • Winter 1998

Volume 5 • Number 2 ARTICLES Israel and the Evolution of U.S. Nonproliferation Policy: The Critical Decade (1958-1968) by Avner Cohen The Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium: A Comparison of Three Narrative Contexts by Alexandra von Meier, Jennifer Lynn Miller, and Ann C. Keller Norms and Nuclear Proliferation: Sweden’s Lessons for Assessing Iran by Eric […]

Nonproliferation Review • 6.4 • Fall 1999

Volume 6 • Number 4 ARTICLES The Economic Impacts of the 1998 Sanctions on India and Pakistan by Daniel Morrow and Michael Carriere Assessing the Risk of Chemical and Biological Weapons Proliferation to Terrorists by Jean Pascal Zanders Lessons of the Agreed Framework for Using Engagement as a Nonproliferation Tool by Curtis H. Martin The […]

Nonproliferation Review • 6.2 • Winter 1999

Volume 6 • Number 2 ARTICLES Giving Nonproliferation Norms Teeth: Sanctions and the NPPA by Randy J. Rydell The Status of Norms against Nuclear Testing by George Bunn The Reincarnation of CoCom: Explaining Post-Cold War Export Controls by Michael Lipson VIEWPOINTS Strengthening the Nonproliferation Regime: How Much Progress Have We Made? by Piet de Klerk […]

Nonproliferation Review • 6.1 • Fall 1999

Volume 6 • Number 1 ARTICLES The Systemic Bases of India’s Challenge to the Global Nuclear Order by T.V. Paul From Existential to Minimum Deterrence: Explaining India’s Decision to Test by Gaurav Kampani Domestic-International Linkages: India and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty by Dinshaw Mistry Iran’s Threat Perceptions and Arms Control Policies by Peter Jones […]