Presentations 2019-2021

Hinge Points: An Inside Look at North Korea’s Nuclear Program


In another landmark year for diplomatic progress, which ultimately ended in failure, Dr. Hecker provides context for the ongoing negotiations and discusses recent events and the Hanoi Summit.

Will DPRK give up its nuclear weapons?

December 4, 2019
Seoul Peace Conference; Seoul, South Korea; Assessments of state of play in 2019, lessons from global nuclear history, Trump administration preparations, DPRK regime calculations.

What to expect from DPRK on Jan. 1, 2020

November 13, 2019
APARC-KINU Meeting; Stanford, CA; Roll back or speed up options and assessments.

Risk-based denuclearization framework

October 30, 2019
The International Institute for Strategic Studies; Washington, DC; September 2019 nuclear estimates, differing perspectives on denuclearization, risk-management framework.


As progress towards making a deal to solve the nuclear crisis halted, Dr. Hecker explains how and why diplomatic efforts failed and gives recommendations on what to do next.

Denuclearization and Peace Making – Parallel or Sequential?

December 10, 2020
2020 International Symposium on Sustainable Peace on the Korean Peninsula; Seoul, South Korea; parallel diplomatic steps, changes to the nuclear challenge, updated assessments.

Strategy for Biden on DPRK

November 12, 2020
Korea Discussion Group, CISAC; Stanford, CA; Understanding the end game objectives, suggested strategy for Biden.

Iran and North Korea: Looking back and looking ahead

January 11, 2020
Alice & Lawry Mann Los Alamos Public Lecture; Los Alamos, CA; Iran and North Korea nuclear assessments, history and future prospects, recent developments.


Dr. Hecker delivers presentations covering the nuclear crisis and analyzing the challenges still facing the region and world today.

Potential applicability of Russia Cooperative Threat Reduction in North Korea

November 19, 2021
Center for Nuclear Security Science and Policy Initiatives, Texas A&M University; College Station, TX; Russia-DPRK comparison, lessons, and details.

North Korea Hinge Points: Bad Decisions Led to Bad Consequences

June 24, 2021
CGSR Seminar Series, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Livermore, CA; Comprehensive look back at US-DPRK nuclear diplomacy, analysis and missed opportunities.

North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal: Today, yesterday and tomorrow

April 26, 2021
Korea Discussion Group, CISAC; Stanford, CA; Past, current, and possible future DPRK nuclear capabilities.

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