The authors call for an international mechanism to anticipate worldwide research reactor needs and how to meet them efficiently and minimizing the use of highly enriched uranium.
CNS commemorated this week with an article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and two webinars featuring Ukrainian experts, CNS visiting fellows, and students.
Topics: West-Russia relations, nuclear deterrence, limited nuclear options, and prospects for arms control cooperation.
Sanctions advocates all too often assume a straight line between banishment and behavioral change.
Dr. Dalnoki-Veress developed a hypothetical model to build resilient networks that can serve underserved communities during challenging times.
Getting Iran to engage on the “plus” of a “JCPOA plus” will be hard, and recent Russian proposals will unlikely convince Tehran.
Dr. Hanna Notte hosted two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Joby Warrick for a discussion on his latest book.