New Tools & Emerging Technologies

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Why the IAEA model may not be best for regulating artificial intelligence

An intense focus is needed to identify possible pathways through which AI could threaten humanity.

ChatGPT user interface

Chat GPT and the Future of Nonproliferation

This CNS seminar video reviews ChatGPT’s potential to pose nonproliferation-related challenges and risks, as well as potential utility for research and education.

Cover pf the paper, "Demonstrating a Warhead Tracking System."

Demonstrating a Warhead Tracking System

This methodology would support a verifiable nuclear warhead arms control treaty or other measures addressing nuclear warheads.

North Korea flag with computer code superimposed upon it.

Intangible Transfer of Technology (ITT): Open-source Information Analysis for the Implementation of Sanctions on North Korea

ITT controls are an important mechanism for impeding North Korea’s advancement in WMD production and maintenance.

ChatGPT user interface

ChatGPT: Opportunities and Challenges for the Nuclear Agenda

Given the high stakes involved, the nuclear community would do well to carefully consider its response.

Online video conference with participants

Securing Innovation Event Series

CNS’s case studies on dual-uses in genetic editing, artificial intelligence, and additive manufacturing were presented to industry and government representatives on gaps in regulations with experts from Kenya and Nigeria.

Open source intelligence team at James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

The day Middlebury graduate students detected the start of the Russia-Ukraine war

From that moment forward, all other CNS OSINT work in the office screeched to a halt. This night was the first time my work was in response to a real time crisis.

Cover: Export Control and Emerging Technology Control in an Era of Strategic Competition

Export Control and Emerging Technology Control in an Era of Strategic Competition

This paper provides an overview of changes taking place in relation to export controls, particularly from a US perspective.

Dr. James Palmer, Nuclear Treaty Verification Research, AWE, UK

Uses for virtual worlds in story telling for non-proliferation topics

A presentation by Dr. James Palmer, Nuclear Treaty Verification Research, AWE, UK

Zoom meeting screen of participants

High-Level Officials/Experts Discuss Nonproliferation at CNS’s International Advisory Council Meeting

The meeting was characterized by a common recognition of the vital role CNS plays in mitigating global proliferation threats.