CNS Research Fellow, Hyuk Kim, provides a unique video seminar for policymakers to reevaluate their policies towards North Korea.
AI has significant potential to improve nuclear material production associated with the development and production of nuclear weapons.
Over the past decade China doubled its combat missile brigades and unveiled new capabilities revealing its fears and conceptions about how future wars in the region will be conducted.
As the LLM technology continues to evolve, it is likely that their integration into nonproliferation research will only become more prevalent and beneficial.
The Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors and Science (CHIPS) Act invests US $250 billion to bolster semiconductor capacity, expand academic R&D, and create a broader, more inclusive workforce.
An intense focus is needed to identify possible pathways through which AI could threaten humanity.
This CNS seminar video reviews ChatGPT’s potential to pose nonproliferation-related challenges and risks, as well as potential utility for research and education.
This methodology would support a verifiable nuclear warhead arms control treaty or other measures addressing nuclear warheads.
ITT controls are an important mechanism for impeding North Korea’s advancement in WMD production and maintenance.
Given the high stakes involved, the nuclear community would do well to carefully consider its response.