
Belarus Agrees to Remove All HEU

Belarus plans to eliminate its highly enriched uranium (HEU) stocks prior to the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul.

Belarus Agrees to Remove All HEU

Belarus plans to rid its highly enriched uranium (HEU) stocks prior to the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, Korea.

Missiles, Maneuvers and Mysteries

North Korea’s leadership succession and nuclear activities have garnered attention, including the parading of new missiles systems.

MIIS-NPT Review 2000 Simulation

Students participated in a semester-long simulation of the NPT Review Conference

Ambassador Mohamed Shaker (May 2010)

Book: The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Origins and Implementation, 1959-1979

July 12, 2010 Ambassador Mohamed Shaker’s Study Ambassador Mohamed Shaker’s classic three-volume study on The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Origins and Implementation, 1959-1979 (out of print). From the Preface “The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Origin and Implementation, 1959 – 1979 is widely regarded to be the definitive work about the negotiation and first decade of the Treaty […]

Reducing & Regulating Nonstrategic (Tactical) Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Moving Forward?

MAY 10, 2010: A panel discussion held between sessions of the RevCon.

Why Russia Supported Sanctions Against Iran

On the eve of the Obama-Medvedev Summit, a recent analysis by Alexander Pikayev on the issue.

Certificate in Nonproliferation Studies

The Certificate in Nonproliferation Studies is for professional training in the control, reduction, and elimination of weapons of mass destruction.

NFWZ Clearinghouse

William Potter, Leonard Spector, Lawrence Scheinman, Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova, Nikolai Sokov April 28, 2010 Introduction Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zones (NWFZs) are recognized as important tools of international nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. In 2009, both the Central Asian NWFZ Treaty and the African NWFZ Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba) entered into force. NWFZs now cover 116 countries including the entire territory of the southern hemisphere. […]

Nuclear Disarmament Proposals from 1995 to 2009: A Comparative Chart

Dangers of proliferation drive proposals for nuclear disarmament.