Middle East/Africa

The Nonproliferation Year in Review – A Guided Tour

Video of issues in 2013: nuclear, biological & chemical weapons & ballistic missiles.

When Israel Stepped Back from the Brink

New testimony revealing the rumors and realities behind a nuclear Israel.

The CW Revolution Will Be Tweeted

The world can use social media tools to help prevent the Syrian government from using chemical weapons in the future.

Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP)

Experts Provide Insights on 2013 International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) General Conference

Experts prepared Fact Sheets on the issues facing member states.

Punish Assad with Law, Not Lawlessness

Unilateral military action is not the best way to hold Syria’s president accountable for the use of chemical weapons against his own people.

Chemical Weapons: Syria Military

How Chemical Weapons Could Change Strategy for Syria

Audio Interview: CNS expert, Amy Smithson, featured on NPR.

CNS article

OP#17: Ugly Truths: Saddam Hussein and Other Insiders on Iraq’s Covert Bioweapons

Occasional Paper #17: Scholars can evaluate the thinking of Saddam Hussein thanks to captured records.

Syria’s WMD Program in a Regional Context

Seminar with Ibrahim Al-Marashi, from California State University, San Marcos.

Expert Insights: 2012 International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) General Conference

In the lead up to the 2012 General Conference, CNS and VCDNP have prepared a series of Fact Sheets on the on-going issues facing IAEA member states.

CNS article

2012 Conference: WMD-Free Zone in the Middle East

JUN. 1: CNS roundtable on the conference and the future of the region’s arms control efforts in light of the Arab uprisings.