
Cover of "The Soviet Bioweapons Program and Its Legacy"

The Soviet Bioweapons Program and Its Legacy

How Soviet genetic engineering aimed to create super-natural bacterial & viral strains for weapons.

Network graph of the CNS-produced database.

CNS Uses New Media Tools to Track Radiological Sources in Moldova

A first-of-its-kind project helps authorities track dangerous materials sought by terrorists.

These slides released by the Russian Federation purport to show a Buk missile launcher absent from a Ukrainian military base (left), and a pair of Buk missile launchers in a field on the day of the shootdown (right).

ANALYSIS: Russia Manipulated MH17 Photo

CNS researchers conclude Russia significantly altered photos of downed airliner to evade responsibility.

Nikolai Sokov

NATO Meets in Warsaw

PODCAST: Nikolai Sokov speaks with CSIS’ “Russian Roulette” about European security, Russian foreign policy, and the Middle East.

Video: Russian Nuclear Strategy - Nikolai Sokov

Russian Nuclear Strategy

VIDEO: Senior Research Fellow Nikolai Sokov explains Russia’s modernization plans and nuclear strategy, and what it means for future US-Russia arms control.

NATO to Respond to “Strategic Reality” at Upcoming Summit

The alliance will seek to expand its readiness vis-à-vis Russia and violence from neighboring Iraq and Syria.

Laura Rockwood on Donald Trump, Proliferation of Fissile Material and Global Players in Nuclear Politics

Executive Director of VCDNP Laura Rockwood has a recently-increased presence in international media regarding modern nuclear politics.

Russia-US Relations: Brinkmanship and Hostilities Continue

Article about up-to-date affairs between Russia and the US with consideration given to proxy players in between.

Why Obama’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Commitments Fell Short

Obama’s presidency has served as an object lesson in the limits of a US president’s ability to shape a global nuclear order amid competing factors, abroad and domestic.

New Dual-Degree Program with Russian University

New Dual-Degree Program with Russian University

Joint studies in nonproliferation, terrorism, and international affairs, undertaken in Monterey and Moscow, to begin in 2016.