How Soviet genetic engineering aimed to create super-natural bacterial & viral strains for weapons.
CNS researchers conclude Russia significantly altered photos of downed airliner to evade responsibility.
PODCAST: Nikolai Sokov speaks with CSIS’ “Russian Roulette” about European security, Russian foreign policy, and the Middle East.
VIDEO: Senior Research Fellow Nikolai Sokov explains Russia’s modernization plans and nuclear strategy, and what it means for future US-Russia arms control.
The alliance will seek to expand its readiness vis-à-vis Russia and violence from neighboring Iraq and Syria.
Executive Director of VCDNP Laura Rockwood has a recently-increased presence in international media regarding modern nuclear politics.
Article about up-to-date affairs between Russia and the US with consideration given to proxy players in between.
Obama’s presidency has served as an object lesson in the limits of a US president’s ability to shape a global nuclear order amid competing factors, abroad and domestic.
Joint studies in nonproliferation, terrorism, and international affairs, undertaken in Monterey and Moscow, to begin in 2016.