At the present moment, it is hard to see grounds for optimism when it comes to nuclear arms control or risk reduction.
Scholars and policy analysts have debated the health of the global nuclear order since the beginning of Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
This article focuses on changing trade patterns as well as the challenges associated with export control enforcement.
The end of nuclear weapons testing is a significant nonproliferation success, yet concerns about its resumption persist.
There is no evidence suggesting that the Kremlin is prepared to engage in sincere negotiations regarding Ukraine.
Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the country’s defense relationship with Iran has deepened and widened considerably.
Since 2022, Russia’s defense relationship with Iran has taken a big leap forward.
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has severely impacted global nuclear governance, hindering progress in crucial forums such as the IAEA, NPT, and UN First Committee, amplifying frustration among non-nuclear countries.