
Middle East Next Generation Network Website Launched

CNS launches new website to promote nonproliferation expertise and engagement in the Middle East.

Nuclear Implications of the Ukraine Crisis

Possible implications for the 2014 NPT PrepCom.

Obama’s Prague Agenda Is for Youth to Inherit

Opinion: Nonproliferation & disarmament education for high school students has never been more important.

High School Disarmament and Nonproliferation Education Forum

APRIL 4-5, 2014: CNS brings together students from Japan, Russia & the US to study nuclear Issues.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon addresses the 2010 NPT Review Conference in New York

Rough Seas Ahead: Issues for the 2015 NPT Review Conference

Next year’s Conference promises to be contentious, with the changing debate on nuclear disarmament taking center stage.

President Barack Obama Wikimedia Commons

Advancing Nuclear Disarmament: The US Role

While impediments to a more assertive US role are immense, progress could be achieved with astute and bold leadership.

Global Trafficking Map

CNS Releases Annual Nuclear Trafficking Report, 153 Incidents in 2013 Reported

CNS experts report the nature and scope of nuclear security risks prepared with support from the Nuclear Threat Initiative.

Nikolai Sokov

Why Russia Calls a Limited Nuclear Strike “De-escalation”

If Russia were faced with a large-scale conventional attack that exceeded its capacity for defense, it might respond with a limited nuclear strike.

Ukraine Missile Silo, Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine Crisis Could Have Been Nuclear

The Ukrainian crisis would have been a nuclear crisis, if not for past US-Russian cooperation.

ICBM Test Launch, Wikimedia Commons

Russia and the INF Treaty: An Alternative Interpretation

Some allege Russia is violating the INF Treaty. Other explanations deserve consideration, according to Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov.