Richard Pilch Articles

Dr. Richard Pilch

Precision Medicine and Its Dual-Use Implications for Genetic Weapons Systems

Overview of precision medicine, genetic weapons, and how it carries the potential for dual-use.

DNA illustration

OP #52: Scientific Risk Assessment of Genetic Weapons Systems

Examines potential for precision medicine to be used in a genetic weapon system, state capabilities and motivations, and offers policy recommendations.

Richard Pilch and Elena Sokova speaking through Zoom

Global Health Security Implications of COVID-19

There are still many grey areas related to the virus, including its origin, emerging genetic variants and security implications.

globe and covid 19 virus cell with text webinar video and a play button

The Global Response to COVID-19

WEBINAR SERIES: An ongoing series of webinars addressing the global COVID-19 pandemic response.

Book cover and author Jennet Conant

The Classified WWII Disaster that Launched the War on Cancer

Webinar: The author discusses her new book, The Great Secret: The Classified World War II Disaster that Launched the War on Cancer.

OP #49: A Guide to Investigating Outbreak Origins

Nature versus the laboratory.

Asia-Pacific Perspective on Bioweapons & Nuclear Deterrence

The threat and control of one category of WMDs affects that of the other.

End of a branch with five visible dark red and spiky pods

The Threat and Control of Ricin as a Weapon

A case for accelerating ricin prevention and treatment measures.

Two speakers pictured

CNS Alumni on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Egypt and Mali

WEBINAR: Featuring former Visiting Fellows.

Food workers in aprons and hair nets washing lettuce

Opinion: US Food Security During COVID-19

Time to put our money where our mouth is.