
NATO's new headquarters in Brussels Belgium

Experts Discuss Emerging Challenges to NATO Nuclear Deterrence

Senior Research Associate Natasha Bajema and Director of the Eurasia Nonproliferation Program Hanna Notte spoke at NATO’s annual Nuclear Policy Symposium in Skopje, North Macedonia.

Participants group photo outside on the steps in the sunshine.

2024 CIF Spring Conference Report

High school students and teachers from Japan and the United States discuss ways to advance nuclear disarmament through youth education.

Ambassador Akan Rakhmetullin, William Potter, Izumi Nakamitusu

Diplomats Gather in Annecy France for NPT Workshop

Over five dozen senior diplomats gathered in Annecy, France on March 7-8, 2024 for an NPT diplomatic workshop hosted by CNS.

The New York Times

Putin’s Next Escalation Is Coming

Even without the terror attack in Moscow last week, the Russian president was primed to step up his assault on Ukraine.

BBC Ukrainecast logo

Moscow Attack: How could it Impact the War?

Hanna Notte joined the BBC’s Ukrainecast to discuss the implications of the Moscow terrorist attack.

Headshot of Dr. Hanna Notte

Putin’s Ukraine obsession has blinded him to dangers at home

Putin’s obsession with Ukraine has made him blind to the real dangers to Russia, lurking abroad and at home.

A wide view of the Security Council as Members unanimously adopt resolution 1977 (2011) on 20 April 2011, extending for 10 years the mandate of the 1540 Committee. UN Photo/Devra Berkovitz

CNS Expert Addresses UN Security Council Briefing on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation

CNS expert reminds the council of their commitments to crucial treaties while noticing a more recent recommitment to nuclear weapons and an increase in the value attached to them among the council’s state parties.

Jeffrey Knopf and speaker

Russia’s War on Ukraine: The Implications for the Global Nuclear Order

A seminar video with speakers Dr. Iryna Maksymenko, Dr. Valeriia Gergiieva, Ms. Valeriia Hesse, and Dr. Tetyana Melnyk.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Containing Global Russia

Contending with Russia’s efforts to upend the international order and to advance its own integration projects will be very difficult.

William Potter

Dr. William Potter Appointed as Senior Fellow at UNIDIR

Dr. William Potter was appointed as Senior Fellow at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva.