Chen Kane Articles

Caricatures of John Kerry and Mohammad Javad Zarif. (src: DonkeyHotey,, Creative Commons 2.0)

President Trump Ready to Decertify Iran Deal

The end of the JCPOA could have serious, complicating effects on proliferation, regional security, and international trade.

US Blames Assad Regime for Worst Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria in Years

For more on the implications of this latest development, CNS experts are available for comment.

President Barack Obama talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office Monday, May 18, 2009. Offical White House Photo by Pete Souza. (Source: White House account)

Why the US-Israel Military Aid Package Matters

Despite record levels of US military assistance to Israel under the Obama administration, the state of US-Israel relations has worsened, not strengthened, in recent years.

Dr. Chen Kane makes an intervention during the BWC workshop

Toward the 8th BWC Review Conference

JULY 8, 2016: CNS and the US Department of State co-sponsored a workshop on the the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC).

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Iran Deal Provides Greater Opportunity for Regional Stability

In an unstable Middle East neighborhood, most people hope for the best and plan for the worst.


Middle East Next Generation of Arms Control Specialists Network (MENACS)

Young Middle Eastern professionals to work with delegations at the Biological Weapons Convention.

Dr. Philipp Bleek and Dr. Chen Kane

Elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) – Lessons Learned

On November 9-10, 2015, CNS and the Lugar Center held a workshop that was part of a project supported by DTRA.

US and Iran Flags (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Media Advisory: Understanding the Final Iran Agreement

Experts from CNS and VCDNP are available for comment on a range of aspects pertaining to the final Iran nuclear deal and its implications.

Middle East map

OP#22: Planning Ahead: A Blueprint to a Middle East WMD Free Zone

Occasional Paper #22: A CNS report offers legal, technical, and organizational proposals to negotiations and implementation of a WMD-free Middle East.

WMDFZ in the Middle East: What Now?

CNS will host a panel event during the NPT Review Conference to explore ways toward a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.