July 14, 2015

Image courtesy Wikimedia.
Negotiators from Iran, the United States, the European Union, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and China have signed a final agreement that trades sanctions relief for limits on Iran’s nuclear program.
Experts from the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) and the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (VCDNP) are available for comment on a range of aspects pertaining to the deal and its implications.
In addition, in partnership with the Nuclear Threat Initiative, CNS has produced various resources for journalists and broadcasters, including high-resolution b-roll footage, 3D video tours, maps, infographics, and more.
CNS Experts Available for Comment
Ms. Laura Rockwood, Esq., VCDNP Executive Director and former chief counsel at the International Atomic Energy Agency focusing on the negotiation, interpretation, and implementation of IAEA safeguards. [email protected]
Dr. William Potter, CNS Founding Director, with particular expertise on the Nonproliferation Treaty, the Middle East WMD Free Zone, and the politics of the Non-Aligned Movement. [email protected]
Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, East Asia Nonproliferation Program Director, frequent commentator on Iran, open source analysis, and other nonproliferation issues for foreignpolicy.com. [email protected]; @ArmsControlWonk
Mr. Leonard Spector, CNS Washington Office Executive Director and former senior National Nuclear Security Administration official, has analyzed measures to address Iran’s past and possible future illicit nuclear and missile procurement activities. [email protected]
Dr. Avner Cohen, Senior Fellow and Professor of Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, author of Israel and the Bomb and The Worst Kept Secret: Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb, is a widely acclaimed expert on the Israeli nuclear program and nonproliferation issues in the Middle East. [email protected]; @avnercohen123
Dr. Chen Kane, Acting Director of the Middle East Nonproliferation Program, is the former director of external relations for the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission and recent author of the CNS Occasional Paper, “Planning Ahead: A Blueprint to Negotiate and Implement a Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction-Free Zone in the Middle East.” [email protected]; @ACRSME
Dr. Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress, Scientist-in-Residence, can offer a detailed breakdown of the physics behind the deal and the verification mechanisms it includes. He is the primary content provider for the website iranfactfile.org. [email protected]; @ferencdv
CNS-NTI Media Resources
- High-resolution B-roll footage of Iran’s key nuclear facilities and centrifuges.
- 3D Centrifuge Models demystify how the machines work.
- Iran Country Profile provides an in-depth look at Iran’s nuclear program, replete with comprehensive chronology of the program’s milestones.
- Iran WMD Map, detailing where the most sensitive nuclear, missile, and other facilities are located.
- 3D facility videos and updates on Natanz, Fordow, Bushehr, and Arak nuclear facilities, as well as the Imam Khomeini Space Center
- Jeffrey Lewis, “Visualizing Centrifuge Limits Under the Iran Deal”