CNS DC Related

Artificial Intelligence image

AI and Nonproliferation: CNS Experts Lead the Way

CNS is examining the nexus of AI and WMD nonproliferation from several perspectives informed by a core group of staff with deep expertise on a variety of relevant issues.

three photos one of Sarah Bidgood one of Rose Gottemoeller and one group photo of the panel

Russian Nuclear Weapons In Belarus? A CNS Roundtable Discussion

Discussion on Putin’s announcement that Russia will deploy tactical nuclear warheads to Belarus.

Rose Gottemoeller at a podium with US flag behind

NATO And The Future Of Arms Control And Strategic Stability In Europe

CNS hosted the event with the support of the German and Danish embassies in Washington.

Group photo in a large lobby.

U.S. Hosts Regional Maritime Sanctions Enforcement Workshop in Manila

CNS and VERTIC with the U.S. Department of State, delivered a workshop for customs, coast guard, and legal officials from the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Taiwan to enforce maritime sanctions.

Strategic Trade Research Institute logo

Export Controls in an Era of Strategic Competition: Implications for the Existing Landscape and the Need for a New Multilateral Trade Review Regime

Dr. Ian Stewart has published a new article on export controls in an era of strategic competition in the Winter/Spring 2023 issue of the Strategic Trade Review.

Cover page of the report titled: "An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group". The cover features a group photo of the ACRS Working Group participants from April 1995 and lists the report title and names of the two authors, Dr. Chen Kane and Dr. Hanna Notte.

An Oral History of the Arms Control and Regional Security (ACRS) Working Group

The report contains a comprehensive account of the ACRS Working Group meetings during the 1990s.

Image of shipping containers.

CNS DC Hosts Officials from Latin America and Southeast Asia for 2022 Export Control Fellowship Program

The program provided opportunities for government officials working on trade control-related areas to engage in intensive academic studies.

Group photo

CNS Washington, DC Residential Program on North Korea Sanctions

CNS reengaged eight countries on implementation of sanctions, particularly due to the changes in North Korean sanctions evasion during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CNS Year in Review 2022 illustration

CNS Year in Review 2022

In 2022, CNS Experts were at the forefront of global nonproliferation and security issues, providing analysis, publications, education, and training.

Online video conference with participants

Securing Innovation Event Series

CNS’s case studies on dual-uses in genetic editing, artificial intelligence, and additive manufacturing were presented to industry and government representatives on gaps in regulations with experts from Kenya and Nigeria.