Search Results NPT

Hideo Asano holding a microphone

MIIS/MANPTS Alumnus Hideo Asano Strives to Join Forces for Nuclear Abolition

This new group is aiming to persuade the Japanese government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) by the year 2030.

Ambassador Akan Rakhmetullin, William Potter, Izumi Nakamitusu

Diplomats Gather in Annecy France for NPT Workshop

Over five dozen senior diplomats gathered in Annecy, France on March 7-8, 2024 for an NPT diplomatic workshop hosted by CNS.

UN Nations NY Inside

Behind the Scenes: How Not to Negotiate an Enhanced NPT Review Process

When more than 100 delegations assembled this summer to review the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), expectations among most diplomats were low.

NPTS Alumnus Gabiden Laumulin - The Significant CNS/MIIS Presence at the 2023 NPT PrepCom in Vienna

The Significant CNS/MIIS Presence at the 2023 NPT PrepCom in Vienna

In keeping with its deep tradition, CNS was very visible at meetings of the Working Group for Further Strengthening the NPT Review Process and the 2023 NPT Preparatory Committee in Vienna.

Shizuka Kuramitsu

MIIS MANPTS student Shizuka Kuramitsu featured in NHK’s Science & Culture Journal

Originally from Hiroshima, she is about to complete her Master’s degree on Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.

Tenth Review Conference of Parties to Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Further Strengthening the NPT Review Process: Reflections and Recommendations

Thomas Markram, CNS, and the VCDNP’s Gaukhar Mukhatzhanova review which aspects of the review process are in greater need of improvement and where changes are most feasible.

CNS IAC 2022 meeting members (Source: Kaveh Sardari)

CNS Advisory Council Meeting Featured CTBO Executive Secretary Robert Floyd, NPT Review Conference President Gustavo Zlauvinen, and US Under-Secretary of State Bonnie Jenkins

The CNS International Advisory Council held its annual meeting in Washington, DC on October 24, 2022.

Student smiling with a certificate and the grand prize plaque

MANPTS Student Kokoro Nishiyama Receives Grand Prize in Nuclear Disarmament Essay Contest

Kokoro Nishiyama is currently a first-year student pursuing her master’s degree in Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies at MIIS.

The Nonproliferation Review

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

In conjunction with the NPT RevCon, the Nonproliferation Review is highlighting past articles focusing on the NPT and its review process.

Review Conference President-designate Gustavo Zlauvinen, CNS Director William Potter, and UN Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu

NPT Diplomats Meet in Annecy 2022

Over 60 senior diplomats, officials, and experts met for the traditional CNS NPT Diplomatic Workshop on “The 10th NPT Review Conference: Prospects and Pitfalls.”