CNS expert Josh Pollack, editor of the Nonproliferation Review, made a guest appearance on Julie McDowall’s podcast, “Atomic Hobo.”
On May 12, 2022, CNS Visiting Fellows Valeriia Hesse and Kirill Iliin gave a talk to The Monterey Rotary Club.
CNS expert Hanna Notte testifies on how the war might affect Moscow’s future interests, role and diplomacy in the region.
Russian equivocation, U.S. distraction, and Gulf Arab states’ reliance on deterrence and defense will likely undermine prospects for addressing regional missile proliferation through diplomacy.
[Episode 4, April 2022] Watch a series of CNS webinars about the nuclear challenges and risks that have arisen as a result of this unfolding crisis.
There are limits to what the United States and NATO can threaten.
From that moment forward, all other CNS OSINT work in the office screeched to a halt. This night was the first time my work was in response to a real time crisis.
The full balance sheet of pros and cons from both Ukraine and earlier cases does not lead to a persuasive argument for nuclear proliferation.
There are unconfirmed reports Russia used chemical weapons in Ukraine. Syria’s chemical weapons use offers context for this tactic.
The focus of this CNS-organized event was to promote dialogue and discussion between the government and the private sector.