Podcast Appearance on the Nuclear Dynamics of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

May 23, 2022

This article is part of a larger Ukraine collection by CNS:
Putin’s War with Ukraine: Voices of CNS Experts on the Russian Invasion

CNS expert Josh Pollack, editor of the Nonproliferation Review, made a guest appearance on Julie McDowall’s podcast, “Atomic Hobo,” to discuss the nuclear dynamics of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

He addressed concerns about potential nuclear weapons use by Russia, explained the history and current status of the Russian nuclear arsenal, and highlighted President Biden’s current policy towards Ukraine, including the steps the US government is taking to avoid direct troop involvement and potential nuclear escalation.

In a discussion of potential scenarios of nuclear escalation, Pollack emphasized that “risks, under the current circumstances, are modest, but, by their nature, are never zero.”

Also listen to the full podcast via this link: https://shows.acast.com/atomichobo/episodes/special-episode-interview-with-joshua-pollack

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