Civilian HEU Reduction and Elimination Resource Collection

Overview of security risks of civilian HEU use, worldwide reduction progress and remaining challenges, and an analysis of 8 countries.

UNSCR 1540 Resource Collection

The UNSCR 1540 Resource Collection examines implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, which requires all states to implement measures aimed at preventing non-state actors from acquiring NBC weapons, related materials, and their means of delivery. It details implementation efforts in all of the regions and countries of the world to-date.

NATO-Russia Crisis Brief cover

Reducing Tension in Russia–NATO Relations

Options to improve stability and reduce the risks of conflict and escalation in Europe.

Russian and US Flags Video

Shared Priorities and Prospects for US-Russia Nuclear Engagement

Video from a virtual dialogue on US-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation and arms control, with remarks by Deputy Foreign Minister Ryabkov.


Intensive Course on WMD Nonproliferation and Security for Women in STEM in Africa

In partnership with AFRICSIS, this online course is for university professors, researchers, practitioners, government officials, and other female professionals.

Injured children lying in rows with adults helping

Social Media Video Analysis Methodology for Sarin Exposure

CNS’s John Hart on new ways for medically evaluating videos of the 2013 Syria attacks.

Alexey Navalny at a Moscow rally in 2013

Russia and Ongoing Challenges to the Chemical Weapons Convention

Political fallout from the recent poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny.

Meeting with Israel and US officials

Duplicity and Self-Deception: Israel, the United States, and the Dimona Inspections

Avner Cohen’s new publication for the Nuclear Vault.

Rose Gottemoeller, keynote speaker at the International Advisory Council Annual Meeting 2020

International Advisory Council Annual Meeting 2020

Three substantive sessions and a deep dive with keynote speaker Rose Gottemoeller.

Japanese students at their desks wearing dust masks

Inspiring Future Leaders in CIF

VIDEO: Lovely Umayam speaks to high school students from Japan, Russia, the US, and Nigeria.