The Future Impact of North Korea’s Emerging Nuclear Deterrent

The Future Impact of North Korea’s Emerging Nuclear Deterrent

The ripple effects of North Korea crossing the nuclear threshold may be more limited than they first appear.

Book cover

International Cooperation on WMD Nonproliferation

A new book edited by Jeffrey W. Knopf, MIIS Nonproliferation and Terrorism Studies M.A. program chair.

Putin’s Doomsday Machine

The very real and very scary details of the nuclear drone Russia wants to build—and how the US should respond.

Video: Russia, Ukraine, and the West: Causes and Consequences of the Current Conflict

Russia, Ukraine, and the West: Causes and Consequences of the Current Conflict

Video of a seminar with Matthew Rojansky on October 21, 2015.

South Asia 1540 Reporting

This report is part of a collection examining implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, which requires all states to implement measures aimed at preventing non-state actors from acquiring NBC weapons, related materials, and their means of delivery. It details implementation efforts in South Asia to-date.

CNS Visiting Fellows Program alumni from Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan featured with current and former CNS staff members

CNS Training Makes Impact in Eurasia

International conference in Kazakhstan demonstrates CNS’s “multiplier effect” across generations and regions.

Turkey’s Nuclear Move: Deciphering the Developments

Turkey’s burgeoning nuclear capability should not be likened to that of Iran.

Sub-Saharan Africa 1540 Reporting

The UNSCR 1540 implementation process in sub-Saharan Africa has been slow. As of October 2011, 26 of the 48 states in the region have submitted 1540 national reports.

Academician Alexei Arbatov

Arbatov Discusses Russian Military Intervention in Syria

Alexei Arbatov on the future of US-Russian relations in the aftermath of Russian military intervention in Syria.

1540: Radioactive Substance Discovered; Ukraine Named as Source

This post is part of the 1540 Resource Collection.