
Event: Lessons Learned from Eliminating WMD

The Nonproliferation Review launched its newest volume: a special, double issue on eliminating weapons of mass destruction.

Who is Afraid of Consensus?

The former UN under-secretary-general calls for strengthening the NPT by observing “pacta sunt servanda”—agreements must be kept.

Dr. Chen Kane makes an intervention during the BWC workshop

Toward the 8th BWC Review Conference

JULY 8, 2016: CNS and the US Department of State co-sponsored a workshop on the the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC).

President Barack Obama Wikimedia Commons

The Common-Sense Fix That American Nuclear Policy Needs

The president should declare that the US won’t use nuclear weapons against any target that could be reliably destroyed by conventional means.

Vladimir Putin. Photo courtesy Kremlin.ru.

Russia’s Nuclear Paranoia Fuels Its Nuclear Propaganda

A classic disinformation campaign about US nukes reveals a lot about Moscow’s military anxieties.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

WMD Practitioners’ Short Course, October 3-7, 2016

Course on “Nuclear Weapons Policy and Arms Control” is open to US government personnel, fellows, and select foreign embassies.

Cover of "The Soviet Bioweapons Program and Its Legacy"

The Soviet Bioweapons Program and Its Legacy

How Soviet genetic engineering aimed to create super-natural bacterial & viral strains for weapons.

Radiological Cancer Therepy (Source: WikiMedia Commons)

Africa’s growing and neglected cancer problem: We will all suffer

By helping countries acquire linear accelerators and train associated personnel, the international community has the opportunity to improve public health and security simultaneously.

Network graph of the CNS-produced database.

CNS Uses New Media Tools to Track Radiological Sources in Moldova

A first-of-its-kind project helps authorities track dangerous materials sought by terrorists.

Flag of Turkey

America’s Nukes Aren’t Safe in Turkey Anymore

The security situation in Turkey has been deteriorating for some time.