
Covid-19 coronavirus 3d illustration

Dr. Richard Pilch on the COVID-19 Outbreak and Response

WEBINAR: CNS’s Director of the Biological and Chemical Weapons Nonproliferation Program.

Scientific Animations (CC BY-SA 4.0)

The New Coronavirus as a Weapon?

The possibility that extremist groups may deliberately spread COVID-19 should not be ignored.

Headshot of Paul Jackson

The COVID-19 Outbreak: Its Epidemiology and the Political and Social Response

Dr. Paul Jackson, adjunct faculty at the Monterey Institute, on COVID-19.

Amin Tarzi - Iran’s Nuclear Politics after JCPOA - Video

Iran’s Nuclear Politics after JCPOA

A presentation by Dr. Amin Tarzi of the Marine Corps University.

Nonproliferation Review NPR thumbnail for posts [[Evergreen]]

Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 26, Nos. 5–6

Includes a Special Section on the shifting South Asian nuclear landscape.

Masako Toki Headshot

2020 Critical Issues Forum Announcement

The conference will go fully online for all participants in US, Japan, and Russia.

James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS)

Revisiting “Contagion” During a Real Pandemic

CNS expert on emerging infectious disease evaluated a dramatic portrayal of a rapidly unfolding global pandemic.

Keith Masback Speaking

Keith J. Masback Appointed Non-Resident Advisor, Industry Partnerships

Further enhancing CNS strategic partnerships with the private and governmental sectors.

Headshot of Jeffrey Lewis

How the Coronavirus Outbreak is Like a Nuclear Attack

An interview with CNS expert Jeffrey Lewis on the similarities between crises that nobody wants, yet stumbles into.

Participants around a conference table

Track 2 US-Turkey Strategic Dialogue in Brussels

Participants grappled with both challenges and opportunities in U.S.-Turkey relations.