
Melissa Hanham on PBS NewsHour

Technical and Political Insights into North Korea

Warring words, nuclear tests, and increased missile capabilities: CNS experts on the developments and implications.

CNS article

Why Didn’t the US Shoot Down North Korea’s Missile? Maybe It Couldn’t

Pyongyang’s claim that it has tested a hydrogen bomb that can be loaded on a ballistic missile raises questions about how good the west’s defense systems are.

Israel Supreme Court (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Nuclear Governance and Legislation in Four Nuclear-Armed Democracies

A comparative study of four Western democracies’ nuclear-governance structures ahead of an unprecedented hearing on nuclear policy by Israel’s High Court of Justice.

CNS article

The Clear Logic of the Latest North Korean Test

Kim Jong Un has a predictable purpose and a plan.

Nuclear symbol inside the star of the North Korean Flag - the flag inside the shape of the country of North Korea

North Korea’s Nuclear Bomb: Can We Work Out Its Power?

How do we work out the size and nature of North Korea’s nuclear test? A physicist explains.

Taiwan’s Export Control System: Overview and Recommendations

OP#32: Taiwan’s Export Control System: Overview and Recommendations

Occasional Paper #32 provides an overview and assessment of Taiwan’s export control program, with a focus on strategic high-tech commodities (SHTC).

Flag of Iran (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Trump’s Next Self-Inflicted Crisis Is a Nuclear Iran

If the president kills the nuclear deal, the backlash will come sooner than he thinks.

Five Myths About Missiles

We couldn’t necessarily destroy all of North Korea’s on the ground. Or in the air.

CNS article

No, Robert Mueller Is Not “Radioactive”

As Mueller continues his inquiries into potential Russian interference in the 2016 elections, conspiracy theorists are coming up with wild claims to undermine his credibility.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

I’m a Nuclear Weapons Expert. Trump’s Presidency is My Personal Nightmare.

We’ve relied on mutually assured destruction to protect us from all-out nuclear war. It’s always been a fragile peace.