
Sarah Bidgood

How Young People Are Trying to Stop Nuclear Weapons Testing

And how you can join.

Joshua Pollack

From LeMay to McMaster: The Pentagon’s Difficult Relationship with Deterrence

In the nuclear era, there is more to national defense than just a good offense.

Trump is Bluffing about Attacking North Korea in 2018

But that still might get us all killed.

Nikolai Sokov

The Russification of US Deterrence Policy

After a quarter-century monopoly on such capabilities, the United States finds itself essentially in the same predicament that the Russians or Chinese have faced since the end of the Cold War.

Anatoly Antonov

New Russian Ambassador to US Meets with Middlebury Institute Students

VIDEO: Seminar with the new Russian Ambassador to the United States.

Civilian HEU: Past and Current Reduction Efforts

Past and present international efforts to reduce the use of HEU in civilian applications, and remaining challenges to reducing and eliminating the civil use of HEU.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Karinne Gordon, Pacific Grove High School

CIF Students as Youth Communicators for a World without Nuclear Weapons

For the second year in a row, four CIF students were invited to present their work at the prestigious conference in Hiroshima.

OP#35: Countering North Korean Procurement Networks Through Financial Measures: The Role of Southeast Asia

OP#35: Countering North Korean Procurement Networks Through Financial Measures: The Role of Southeast Asia

Occasional Paper #35 is intended to aid Southeast Asian governments and financial institutions to counter financing of WMD programs in North Korea and other states of concern.

Andrea Berger

Canada Poised to Play an Important Role in Defusing the North Korea Crisis

Closer coordination is essential as countries with a stake in this issue are still miles apart on everything from the scale of the threat to the most desirable way forward.

President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev shake hands after signing the INF Treaty. (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Are Arms Control Agreements Losing Their Value?

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty seems to be dying and no replacement is in sight.