
The Conversation

Why Proposals to Sell Nuclear Reactors to Saudi Arabia Raise Red Flags

The Trump administration should negotiate a nuclear cooperation agreement as required by US law.

Generic News Logo Foreign Policy

Trump Accidentally Just Triggered Global Nuclear Proliferation

Before the US killed it, the INF Treaty didn’t just stem the arms race with Russia—it stopped the spread of nuclear weapons around the world.

Course participants visit the Parliament of Ghana

Inaugural Intensive Course on Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security for Women in STEM

More than 30 women with a wide variety of technical backgrounds, representing 16 African countries, actively engaged throughout the course.

OP #45: The Finger on the Button

Authorizing and executing launch in nuclear-armed states.

Monitoring North Korean Monuments from Space

Visits to monuments are an indication of the regime’s emphasis on nuclear weapons in propaganda efforts.

Probable solid propellant missile plant Al Dawadmi, Saudi Arabia. Annotations by Jeffrey Lewis and Dave Schmerler. (Source: Planet Labs)

Saudi Arabia’s Suspect Missile Site and the Saudi Nuclear Program

This Washington, DC event was held on March 4, 2019 at 9:30am-11:30am.

MSSR 2018 fellows with visiting experts Stephan De Spiegeleire and Adam Stulberg

The Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia

An exceptional program for twelve distinguished US and European Master’s and PhD students.

Iran Space Launch Vehicle

Iran’s Space Launch: ICBM or Space Program Development?

CNS researchers use satellite imagery to determine if these space launch vehicles are the ICBMs you are looking for.

Identifying DPRK Machine Plants

We geolocated six important sites linked to the North Korean missile program.

OP #44: Eyes on U: Opportunities, Challenges, and Limits of Remote Sensing for Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling

Geospatial tech sheds light on secretive first step of nuclear fuel cycle.