
The Nuclear Security Summit: Forging Consensus and Building Momentum

The Summit was the latest step that Obama has taken to advance his administration’s nonproliferation agenda.

New START: Preliminary Thoughts in Moscow

Expert analyses on the new nuclear arms reduction treaty to be signed April 8 by Presidents Obama and Medvedev.

START Follow-On Talks Successfully Concluded: What’s Next?

The conclusion of the Treaty of Prague is a success. Now Obama and Medvedev need to outline the next treaty.

2010 NPT Briefing Book

The most comprehensive source of background and reference material on the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and its associated regime.

The New, 2010 Russian Military Doctrine: The Nuclear Angle

Contrary to expectations, the new doctrine reduces reliance on nuclear weapons.

START Follow on Treaty: Deadlines and Deadlocks

Prospects for a new strategic arms control agreement may be hampered by domestic politics in both countries.

Nuclear Doctrines in the Post-Post Cold War System

Since the late 1990s, a fresh interest in nuclear weapons has emerged, an interest many thought would diminish or disappear after the Cold War.

Winners of the 2009 Doreen and Jim McElvany Challenge

Winners of the 2009 Doreen and Jim McElvany Challenge Competition

Keynote Speaker Jon B. Wolfsthal Special Adviser to the Vice President for Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security and Director for Nonproliferation, National Security Council Please note that Mr. Wolfsthal’s remarks were off-the-record and cannot be quoted or published.   Anne Harrington de Santana University of Chicago “Nuclear Weapons as the Currency of Power: Deconstructing the Fetishism […]

CNS article

Four Emerging Issues in Arms Control, Disarmament, and Nonproliferation: Opportunities for German Leadership

A major study by CNS addresses four emerging issues in arms control, disarmament, and nonproliferation where Germany can contribute significantly.

Obama’s Moscow Visit Highlights Progress and Obstacles

Obama and Medvedev agreed on a framework to guide their negotiators in a new strategic arms agreement.