CNS Occasional Papers

Occasional Paper #34 Pyongsan uranium mine map

OP#34: Open-Source Monitoring of Uranium Mining and Milling for Nuclear Nonproliferation Applications

Rapidly evolving open-source tools are giving researchers a window into the first step toward a possible nuclear bomb.

OP#33: WMD Proliferation Risks at the Nexus of 3D Printing and DIY Communities

Occasional Paper #33 examines the degree to which additive manufacturing – including its distribution and use – may be introducing new proliferation risks.

Taiwan’s Export Control System: Overview and Recommendations

OP#32: Taiwan’s Export Control System: Overview and Recommendations

Occasional Paper #32 provides an overview and assessment of Taiwan’s export control program, with a focus on strategic high-tech commodities (SHTC).

OP#31: Revisiting Compliance in the Biological Weapons Convention

OP#31: Revisiting Compliance in the Biological Weapons Convention

Occasional Paper #31 looks at the thorny issue of compliance when a verification protocol isn’t politically feasible.

OP#30: Crowdsourcing Systems and Potential Applications in Nonproliferation

OP#30: Crowdsourcing Systems and Potential Applications in Nonproliferation

This report provides an overview of crowdsourcing systems and identifies the key elements for use in a nonproliferation context.

OP#29: The Verification Clearinghouse: Debunking Websites and the Potential for Public Nonproliferation Monitoring

OP#29: The Verification Clearinghouse: Debunking Websites and the Potential for Public Nonproliferation Monitoring

Occasional Paper #29: This report explores the use of online forums to allow experts and members of the public to monitor and evaluate compliance with arms control treaties.

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

OP#28: A Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing Platform for WMD Verification

Occasional Paper #28: Geo4nonpro is a web-based platform for public viewing and annotating satellite imagery.

OP#27: Searching for Illicit Dual Use Items in Online Marketplaces: A Semi-Automated Approach

Occasional Paper #27: Large-scale harvesting of online marketplace information is possible using off-the-shelf open source technologies and basic programming skills.

Occasional Paper #26: Findings from the 2016 Symposium on Export Control of Emerging Biotechnologies

OP#26: Findings from the 2016 Symposium on Export Control of Emerging Biotechnologies

Occasional Paper #26: Sixty experts gathered from 15 countries representing scientific, policy, industry, legal, and enforcement fields.

Photo taken during a tour by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of the Natanz uranium enrichment plant, showing one of more than 1,000 illegally acquired US-made pressure transducers at the facility. Source: Website archive of the president of Iran, (as accessed by the Institute for Science and International Security, 2014).

OP#25: Outlawing State-Sponsored Nuclear Procurement Programs & Recovery of Misappropriated Nuclear Goods

Occasional Paper #25: A call for condemning the programs and readying penalties for future cases.