
The Curious Incident of the Dosimeter in the Day-Time*

Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e‑Archive About Brodie Anderson Doctor Thomsen Patricia Newman Bits of Humor Not By Bread Alone The Curious Incident 2nd Chances Walt Atchison The Curious Incident of the Dosimeter in the Day-Time* * An unapologetic allusion to the prize-winning book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in […]

Frequent Experimental Campaigns Part 2

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Online Exclusive Photo Collections Video Beyond Lab-to-Lab Interviews Early Lab-to-Lab | Export Control | Nielsen Jr. | Symposia | WSSX Physics | Reminiscences of Russia | Caroline (Cas) Mason Setting the Stage Forming Collaboration Frequent Experimental Campaigns Part […]


Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Online Exclusive Photo Collections Video Beyond Lab-to-Lab Interviews Early lab-to-lab meetings video gallery We publish here short clips from several videos prepared by Russian institutes that document memorable moments of first contacts. US experts on verification of […]


Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Book Origin About Sig Hecker The Origin of the Book The idea to write this book originated in 2000 when Vladimir A. Belugin—who had been director of VNIIEF at the time of the initial laboratory directors exchange visits—and […]

About Sig Hecker

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Book Origin About Sig Hecker Siegfried S. (Sig) Hecker Siegfried S. (Sig) Hecker was director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory from January 1986 to November 1997, during which time he was instrumental in forging the lab-to-lab nuclear […]

Deniece Korzekwa and Franz Freibert Interview

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Online Exclusive Photo Collaborations Video Beyond Lab-to-Lab Interviews < Back to Interviews Conversation of Deniece Korzekwa and Franz Freibert with Sig Hecker, Paul White and Alla Kassianova February 1, 2017, Los Alamos Deniece Korzekwa (DK); Franz Freibert […]

Robert Thomsen Interview

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Online Exclusive Photo Collaborations Video Beyond Lab-to-Lab Interviews < Back to Interviews Robert J. Thomsen in conversation with Paul C. White and Alla Kassianova January 31, 2017, Los Alamos RT: Robert J. Thomsen; PW: Paul C. White; […]

Nerses Krikorian Interview

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Online Exclusive Photo Collaborations Video Beyond Lab-to-Lab Interviews < Back to Interviews Nerses (Krik) Krikorian in conversation with Sig Hecker Los Alamos, February 1, 2017 Read it in PDF KK: Krik Krikorian; SH: Sig Hecker SH: Krik, […]

Jim Sprinkle Interview

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Home Online Exclusive Photo Collaborations Video Beyond Lab-to-Lab Interviews < Back to Interviews Jim Sprinkle in conversation with Sig Hecker & Alla Kassianova January 18, 2018, Los Alamos, NM SH: How would you describe your role in the […]

Outreach, Press, and Reviews

Lab-to-Lab: US-Russian Lab-to-Lab Collaboration Story [Archived] Lab-to-Lab Home The Book Timeline Authors The Human Dimension e-Archive About Publisher The Story of a Cover Photo Contents Full-Text Selection Outreach, Press and Reviews Outreach The US-Russian teamwork that kept nuclear weapons safe, by Siegfried S. Hecker and Paul C. White, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, July 13, […]