East Asia

The Arirang Mass Games, held in the Rungnado May Day stadium (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

North Korea’s Nuclear Disappearing Act

Kim Jong Un has figured out that he can have his cake and eat it, too.

Kenshin Cho

Protectionist export controls could be bad for nonproliferation

It compromises the very foundation of America’s export control regime—a measured approach to mitigating the risks of global trade.

Book Cover

The 2020 Commission Report on the North Korean Nuclear Attacks against the United States

A speculative novel on how the United States and North Korea might stumble into a nuclear war, by CNS expert Jeffrey Lewis.

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

After the Trump-Kim summit: Where does Japan go from here?

The “biggest loser” of the Singapore summit faces tough decisions ahead. Some answers may lie in its recent past.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, US President Donald Trump (Source: Shutterstock)

#TrumpKim: What Happened and What It Means

Fact-based analysis of the historic Singapore Summit.

Conference attendees

American and Russian Experts Discuss Security Challenges on the Korean Peninsula Ahead of Trump–Kim Summit in Singapore

The two-day dialogue focused on practical steps to address the DPRK nuclear program as a whole.

Los Angeles Times

The Trump-Kim Summit Was Far from ‘Epochal’ but at Least It’s a Return to Diplomacy

The outcome of the Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un summit in Singapore brings to mind the old Army quip: “Hurry up and wait.”

New York Daily News

Who Gained and Who Lost What from the Trump-Kim Summit

If the White House continues to insist on the “Libya model,” we may be headed for re-runs of the rolling crisis of 2017.

Defense One

WTF: A Few Morning Thoughts on US-North Korea Relations

Kim Jong Un doesn’t need to dance with Trump. He’s got his own nuclear weapons.

New York Daily News

In the Wreckage of the Trump–Kim Summit That Wasn’t

What our foreign policy of one cost us.