East Asia

SARS Virus, WikiMedia Commons

Beijing on Biohazards

The report is a collection of essays by top Chinese & Western experts.

Tokyo Conference: Asian Approaches to Space Security

APRIL 23-24, 2007: Broad support exists to prevent more space weaponization in Asia.

The North Korean Nuclear Test: Regional and International Implications

Report on the 2006 Panel Discussion at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Chronology of Aum Shinrikyo’s CBW Activities

On March 20, 1995, five members of the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) boarded subway trains in Tokyo, Japan, and released the deadly chemical nerve agent sarin.

The War on Terrorism: China’s Opportunities and Dilemmas

Jing-dong Yuan September 25, 2001 As the Bush administration rallies the international community into a broad-based coalition to support a war on terrorism, China’s reaction and posture are on the minds of US policy-makers, security analysts, and the world media. In the aftermath of the tragedy on Black Tuesday, some see opportunities for Beijing to […]

Ballistic Missile Defense and Northeast Asian Security

Views from Washington, Beijing and Tokyo.

CNS article

OP#02: A History of Ballistic Missile Development in the DPRK

Occasional Paper #2: By Joseph S. Bermudez, Jr.