East Asia

Launch of the Unha-3 SL

CNS Experts Available for Comment on North Korea’s Rocket Launch

On December 12, North Korea successfully launched the Unha-3 SLV.

CNS article

Prospects for Nuclear Security Partnership in Southeast Asia

Managing risks due to increased interest in nuclear power.

Fukushima’s Impact on Japan’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Policy

One year after the Fukushima disaster, Japan continues to assess its dependency on nuclear energy.

Fuel Banks and Fukushima: Day Seven of the NPT PrepCom 2012

Summary of discussions on the right of parties to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Missiles, Maneuvers and Mysteries

North Korea’s leadership succession and nuclear activities have garnered attention, including the parading of new missiles systems.

7th US-China Conference on Arms Control, Disarmament and Nonproliferation

DECEMBER 16-17, 2009: CNS co-hosts US-China meeting: Enhancing Strategic Stability and Cooperation between Beijing and Washington.

North Korea Conducts Nuclear Test

Details about the test and the response from the international community.

OP#15: Engaging China and Russia on Nuclear Disarmament

Occasional Paper #15: Analysis and recommendations on how to place Beijing and Moscow on “the road to zero.”

Export Control Observer

Export Control Observer

International Export Control Observer (IECO) launched in September 2005. The IECO replaced the NIS and Asian Export Control Observers.

US-Japan Non-Governmental Cooperation on International Arms Control and Nonproliferation

US and Japan established the Commission to conduct official discussions on a regular basis.