Experts prepared Fact Sheets on the issues facing member states.
Unilateral military action is not the best way to hold Syria’s president accountable for the use of chemical weapons against his own people.
Occasional Paper #18: CNS researchers reveal the anti-plague system in Russia and how it was reported by western media.
US and Russia need to set aside differences and continue discussions to avoid global instability.
APR. 19: The Critical Issues Forum concluded with students from three countries presenting their findings on nuclear disarmament.
Audio Interview: CNS expert, Amy Smithson, featured on NPR.
Occasional Paper #17: Scholars can evaluate the thinking of Saddam Hussein thanks to captured records.
A decision to cancel a controversial interceptor is unlikely to overcome the missile defense obstacles that have stalled US-Russian arms control.
Occasional Paper #16: 12 practicable recommendations for South Korea, the 5th-largest nuclear energy producer and a major nuclear power plant exporter.