Middle East

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Bibi’s Infomercial for the Iran Deal

Smoke and mirrors aside, the Israeli prime minister’s presentation was an endorsement of existing nuclear diplomacy with Tehran.

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel (Src: Wikimedia Commons)

Netanyahu and Iran’s Atomic Archive: What’s New and What’s Not

Tehran’s nuclear planners envisioned an arsenal so small as to make Kim Jong Un giggle.

Upcoming Event Washington DC

The Six-Day War (1967) Revisited: The Nuclear Dimension

MAY 31, 2018: A half-day panel discussion co-hosted with the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project.

Henry Sokolski

Avoiding a Nuclear Wild, Wild West in the Middle East

VIDEO: Event with Henry Sokolski, Executive Director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, and Former Deputy for Nonproliferation Policy in the Cheney Pentagon.

Event photo with Dr. Ali Ahmad and Chen Kane

The Future of a Nuclear Middle East

Exploring the economic and security factors of a regional push for nuclear power.

CNS article

The Thick Red Line: Implications of the 2013 Chemical-Weapons Crisis for Deterrence and Transatlantic Relations

Whether or not American policy after the 2013 Syrian chemical-weapons attack was wise, its execution was bungled, causing harm to US– France relations.

Dr. Vladimir A. Orlov

Iran: A New Strategic Partner for Russia?

VIDEO: Seminar with international security and Russia’s foreign policy expert Dr. Vladimir A. Orlov.

Donald Trump August 19, 2015 (Credit: Michael Vadon, Wikimedia Commons)

Trump Just Started a Nuclear Crisis With Iran

Enabled by a craven Congress, the president is undermining the Iran deal and risking an escalation that he’s incapable of halting.

Caricatures of John Kerry and Mohammad Javad Zarif. (src: DonkeyHotey, Flickr.com, Creative Commons 2.0)

President Trump Ready to Decertify Iran Deal

The end of the JCPOA could have serious, complicating effects on proliferation, regional security, and international trade.

CNS article

If Trump Kills the Iran Deal, He May Give the World Another Rocket Man

There is every chance that the story ends in precisely the same way, with yet another nuclear state hostile to the United States.